I empower people to invoke their inner witch, so that they can conjure the life and business of their dreams.

The Witchpreneur Magick Book
This book is for anyone who wants to start or grow a business with a magical twist. If you’re a witch, pagan, or simply spiritual and want to infuse your business with magic, this book is for you. We’ll discuss how to use your unique powers to create a thriving business that makes money and serves the greater good.
What you’ll discover:
- How to use magic in your business for success
- The importance of intention and visualization in business
- Magic and Marketing
- How to tap into your own unique power as a Witchpreneur
Whose dreams are you chasing?
You’ve been chasing a dream for so long you don’t even remember if it was your dream, to begin with.
You’re chasing all the things you think are a good fit for you and your business. Stockpiling all those shiny promises that every course you buy or coach you hire offers. But when it comes time to cash in, the shine on those promises turns out to be just fool’s gold. Which really, really, bothers you especially when your friends, who bought the same course or hired the same coach, are reaping real shiny rewards.

Why aren’t all those courses and coaching packages working for you?
Here’s the hard truth: nothing you will ever do in your life or in your business will bring you absolute happiness, love, security, success, or wealth…
Until you know who you are
Until you know what you want
Until you understand your unique design
Until you’ve reclaimed your personal power

Why aren’t all those courses and coaching packages working for you?
Here’s the hard truth: nothing you will ever do in your life or in your business will bring you absolute happiness, love, security, success, or wealth…
Until you know who you are
Until you know what you want
Until you understand your unique design
Until you’ve reclaimed your personal power

Here’s what you need to understand:
You’re not consciously trying to find the next best thing…You’re subconsciously trying to find the next best you!
Those courses and coaching packages aren’t working for you because, without understanding your design, who you are, and what you want, you won’t understand how to successfully implement the strategies and methods being taught to you.
You’re taking all the courses because they promise you how to find your soulmate, how to start or upscale your business, or how to get fit and fabulous. But if you don’t know who you are at your core then all of these courses will only touch on the surface level of your life and business.
You need to go deep. You need to rediscover your place in this Universe. You need to remember who you truly are.
You need to unleash your inner witch.
Then all of those courses will finally click for you. You’ll understand that knowing who you are will help you attract your soulmate. You’ll start or upscale the business of your dreams. You’ll get fit and fabulous in a healthy way that suits you.
You’ll be able to make a quantum shift in your life and business to create your own reality.

Isn’t it time for you to redefine what your personal power is?
One of the biggest themes for this decade will be witnessing all those situations where you once compromised yourself, your values, and your beliefs, start falling away. And by redefining your personal power now, you’ll be better equipped to step forward into the life and business of your dreams.
We are designed to love ourselves, to be authentic, to embody our vitality, to contribute to the world from a place of compassion, to make an impact, and to leave a legacy.
And the first step is to uncover your unique energetic blueprint, aka your Human Design.
Your design will help you understand who you truly are, what your personal power is, and how you are designed to be in this world. Your Human Design chart will reveal your authentic self.
Your second step is to utilize the Quantum Alignment System to heal yourself from burnout, overwhelm, indecisiveness, lack of courage, vitality and self-trust, so that you can leverage your authenticity to make quantum shifts in your life and business.
Your third step is to become uncaged, by creating a new and authentic version of yourself by embracing who you truly are. And designing your life, business, and career for the most success and abundance.
Let me help you unpick the lock to the cage that holds you from knowing yourself, knowing your purpose, and reaching your potential.
Wouldn’t you like to consciously create from a place of confidence in yourself and in the Universe?

Human Design & Quantum Coaching
Whether it’s a one-time-only private Human Design or Quantum Alignment session, or a longer group coaching package, there are multiple different ways to work with me.

The Collective Witchery Membership
Are you a Witchpreneur still hiding in the store-room closet? Want to bring your witchy-woo-woo-spirituality into your business but don’t know how? Or want to incorporate more magic into your life? Come join The Collective Witchery Membership!