My Favorite People, Places, and ThingsI am a big believer in Community over Competition. When we are led by our heart instead of our ego, we can all make this universe a better place. We can make an impact in the lives of others when we act from the heart and use our messages to help guide others to a place of love, safety, and abundance.
I welcome collaborations with other coaches, healers, and professional life-livers!
The links below are for my favorite people, places, and things that I personally recommend. Some of these I may be an affiliate for – Enjoy!

I'm an Amazon Influencer
I’m an Amazon-shopping-junkie! Check out the curated list of my all-time fave products that I use to enhance my life and enrich my business!
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Influencer Program. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Magical, Boho, and Celtic Tshirts
These are my own shirt designs that are available to purchase on Amazon.
Social Media

Podcast Interviews
I’ve been a guest on many podcasts, and I absolutely love it. It’s such a great way to connect with new people and share ideas. I’ve been interviewed on everything from business and personal development to relationships and self-care. And I’ve learned so much from all of the different hosts and guests. Here are just a few of my favorite podcast interviews:
This Old Witch Podcast
As part of the Witchs Fest USA 2022 event, I was invited to be on a Pagan Panel Discussion that was live streamed on This Old Witch Podcast with host Eddie Massey.
Witch Hat Chats Podcast
I chatted with hosts Nikki Kirby & Saul Ravencraft about being culturally transplanted and adding witchery in your business!
Talk Virtual Thursday's
Host Ericka Bates and I had a lovely conversation about the tools and strategies I use to create successful virtual summits and online events. Here are Ericka’s takeaways from our chat: Have a plan – Have a back plan – Don’t try to do everything on your own. – Ask for help – You can do a lot with a transcript.
The Enchantress Society with Tia Johnson Podcast
In this episode, I discuss Lupercalia, its history, how we can celebrate it now, and what it means for the spiritual community & Valentine’s Day with host Tia Johnson.
Jennifer Elizabeth Moore's Empathic Mastery Show: Integrity & Magic - Running Business the Witchpreneur Way
While the ordinary entrepreneur can often learn and follow strategies conventional Business Gurus teach and achieve great results, many highly sensitive empathic witchpreneurs, healers, lightworkers, and spiritual business owners struggle to fit their magic and intuitive guidance into these “Bro Marketing” formulas. As the head witch of the Collective Witchery and host and founder of the Witchpreneur Summit, Libbii Armstrong tried it all. After years of going against her inner guidance, she decided to follow the call of her soul and conduct her business by Divine Flow instead of from hustle, ego, and manipulative selling strategies. As Libbii turned her light up and shared it with the world, more magical people joined her. Listen to this rich conversation about how running a business the Good Ol Bro way fails us as empaths and magical people. Be inspired as Libbii shares her journey and how she finally found the success she craved once she embraced and revealed her inner witchpreneur.
Summits and Virtual Events
Whether I’m hosting a summit or presenting at one, I love the energy, the focus on learning, and the people involved. I’ve been lucky enough to do both several times, and each time I learn something new. I’ve had the opportunity to interview some amazing leaders and learn from their experiences. Here are a few of the summits and virtual events where I’ve either been a presenter or that I’ve either hosted.

The Alchemical Soul Business Summit
Learn how to start or enhance your spiritual business with tools, tips, and techniques shared by spiritual coaches, teachers, healers, and business experts who are living this dream!
Not only was I a co-host, but I also presented on ‘Invoking Quantum Magick Into Your Business.’
Waking The Witch Within Summit
Owning the title of Witch used to be taboo, but this virtual retreat and summit will provide you with tools and techniques to step out of the so-called broom closet and step into your true magical self! I presented on ‘Invoking Quantum Magick Into Your Business.’
The Collective Witchery Summit
Invoke your inner witch, conjure your dream life, and become an empowered leader. Besides hosting this summit, I also spoke about ‘Moon Magick.’
The Witchpreneur Summit
I hosted The Witchpreneur Summit as an online summit for entrepreneurial witches to learn how to incorporate their unique witchcraft and spirituality into their business. My presentation was called ‘Witchpreneur Magick: How To Create a Thriving Business Without Selling Your Soul.’
Manifestasia 2022
Manifestasia was an event hosted by Nikki Kirby and Saul Ravencraft to help you build your energy for the upcoming year. My presentation was called ‘Conjuring a Witchpreneur Mindset.’
WitchsFest USA 2022
A Festival Event for all from the Heart of New York City through the Magicks of The World Wide Web. I taught two workshops:
- The Soul-Aligned Witchpreneur: Sharing your true magick with the world
- How to develop your business intuition
My Writing
I have always loved writing. It is a way for me to express my soul and help others elevate their lives and businesses at the same time. I have written articles on a variety of topics, ranging from business tips to personal development. Through my writing, I hope to inspire and motivate others to pursue their dreams. If you are looking for some inspiration or motivation, I encourage you to check out a few of my articles. I am confident that you will find them helpful and informative. Thanks for reading!
Elephant Journal
Read my articles that have been published in Elephant Journal:

Thrive Global
Read my articles that are published on Thrive Global: