
Wild. Intuitive. Tenacious. Compassionate. Heroine.

Inside all of us is a little witch. And she is the source of the greatest conflict that we will ever have with ourselves.

Some of us keep her hidden and quiet like a good little girl society tells us to be.

Some of us embrace her and welcome her into our lives like a true rebel. 

When we keep our inner witch hidden, we suppress our own creative magic; and anything that is suppressed cannot be shared with the world. 

But when we set our inner witch visibly free, we own our magic; and anything that is visible is also shareable. 

Are you ready to embrace your witchy self?

If you’re done being the good little girl and following all the rules…and getting nowhere

If you’ve had enough of cowering behind the beliefs of others…and feel like you’ve lost yourself along the way

If you believe in magic…and just the thought sends a tingle up your spine

If you’re ready to embrace your witchy wooness…and bring it more fully into your life and business, then


Welcome To Intentional Witchery

As a child growing up in South Africa, I was taught that children should be seen and not heard. As a teen living in America, I was taught to question authority. As an adult, when I tried to speak up, I was almost immediately hushed. When I tried to act, I was almost immediately put down.

Until one day I found myself in an abusive relationship, passed over yet again for a promotion at the law firm where I worked, and living a million miles away from my family due to immigration red tape…and so I had no choice but to let my inner witch take over. And my life changed forever!


I brought witchery into all aspects of my life:

Kitchen witchery – Cooking meals with herbs that had specific magical properties

Green witchery – Making my own healing salves and oils

Crystal witchery – Creating crystal grids

Elemental witchery – Using the natural elements of the world

Business witchery – Enriching my career and business

Love witchery – Manifesting the love of my life


I found my voice, my courage, my authenticity, and my power…and I can help you find yours too!

There are multiple ways to work with me

Private Witchy Consulting

If you prefer a more intimate 1:1 experience to discuss a particular issue, or if you need specific guidance and don’t want the world to know your witchy ways, then my Private Witchy Consulting service is for you.

Witchpreneur Magick

Wanna step out of the storeroom broom closet and add a little magic to your business? Then this course is just for you to learn how to enrich your business with spells and rich-uals to give it a boost.

Natural Witchery

Looking to add a little magic to your life? Then there is nothing better than homemade magic! Instructions, recipes, notes, and witchy vibes included in my Natural Witchery course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Whenever the words Witch, witchcraft, witchery, or magic is used, most people have a gut reaction that makes their heart skip a beat – either in fear or in joy.

Here are some of my most often asked questions to help you decide if your heart is skipping from fear or job. 

I'm not a witch. Can I still take your witchery courses?

Yes! These courses are for anyone interested in co-creating with the universe. People of all faith backgrounds have taken my courses.

Isn't witchcraft evil?

Witchcraft, and magic in general, is about shaping reality to your will. Nothing is evil unless you make it so. It really all depends on your intent. Nowadays we all have strong ethical boundaries and integrity to help us navigate the world we currently live in. 

What is witchery and magic?

Witchery is the practice of magic. And magic is the result of merging your innate spiritual power with the natural elements.

Is this only for women?

No! Anyone who acknowledges their magic and wants to empower and educate themselves is welcome to take any of my courses.

What is a modern-day witch?

A modern-day witch is someone who follows a spiritual path, trusts their intuition, feels called to work with crystals and/or oils, finds the bright side in any yucky situation, and wants to make an impact in the world. 

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